JACKSON – Studies show that a quality education is a vital investment in a person’s lifelong success. That investment must begin at the earliest stages of schooling. The Student Advocacy Center, funded in part by United Way of South Central Michigan, works collaboratively with underserved students, and their families, to stay in school, realize their rights to a quality public education, grow and experience success.
Sometimes this collaboration has to start with the youngest students.
“John” was a kindergartener showing behavioral issues in the classroom. These new behaviors caused him to be removed from class frequently, even being sent home. At one point, the school principal told John’s family had to either attend half a day or do full days virtually at home. The school hadn’t tried any other interventions or pursued an assessment of John to get him the help he needed.
The parents reached out to the Student Advocacy Center, and together they got a full special-education evaluation for John. By the time the next school year began, he was back in school for full days, assigned to a different classroom with a behavior plan and supports to maintain the help he needed. In just five months, John received a Student of the Month award from his school. He’s now thriving both at school and at home.
John is on a pathway to success in school and in life—thanks to the Student Advocacy Center and United Way.
Learn more about the Student Advocacy Center at studentadvocacycenter.org. Join in this work through your support on our donation page online.