Creating a Community Vision

United Way plays an active role in a broad-based effort to tackle — and resolve — the biggest issues facing Battle Creek, particularly among vulnerable children and families.

BCVision is a community-driven effort to create a thriving place to live in Battle Creek. Formed in 2014, it brings together people from every sector to define the issues, get to root causes and develop lasting solutions. Driving the work is a shared desire to create equitable opportunities for everyone to have the income, education and resources to succeed.

According to UWBCKR Interim CEO Chris Sargent, it’s the all-at-the-table approach that distinguishes BCVision from other such efforts.

“Elsewhere, the usual approach is for a small group of leaders to decide what the problems are and how to solve them,” he said. “More often than not, those top-down approaches don’t work.

“What makes BCVision special is the commitment to hearing every voice and giving every person a chance to be part of the solution,” added Sargent.

BCVision focuses on jobs, talent development and creating a “culture of vitality” – that is, momentum on the physical environment, safe neighborhoods, and positive perspectives on the community.

“We’re not talking about short-term change, because history shows us that’s not sustainable,” Sargent said. “BCVision is about a long-term investment with community-changing outcomes that last.”

BCVision has created a steering committee that guides the overall effort, and six action teams focused on key aspects: College & Career Readiness; Culture of Vitality; Kindergarten Readiness; Large Business; Small Business; and Workforce Development.

UWBCKR has been actively engaged in BCVision from the beginning, both financially and as part of the work:
• Sargent serves on the BCVision Steering Committee and on the College & Career Readiness Action Team.
• Matt Lynn, Director of Community Impact, co-chairs the Workforce Development Action Team.
• Jennifer Nottingham, Associate Director for Community Impact, serves on the Kindergarten Readiness and College & Career Readiness action teams.
• Laura Otte, Associate Director of Community Engagement, leads BCVision’s community engagement efforts, which sparks dialogue on focus areas and how to address them. She also serves on the College & Career Readiness Action Team.

“It’s a great fit because ‘united’ is what we stand for,” said Sargent. “We’re part of this larger community vision addressing issues that matter to residents and connecting with them at that level, with a steady eye on diversity, inclusion and equity. The people cast the vision and then join together to create the reality.”


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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