Click here to see Day of Caring opportunities!

Volunteering has always been a central pillar to the United Way mission. Now more than ever we see the need to rally people, organizations and businesses around the community in support of one another.

A united effort works best with a united beginning. That’s why United Way of Jackson County is sponsoring a Day of Caring – an opportunity to bring together hundreds of local people and organizations to volunteer.

The United Way Day of Caring takes place on August 16, from 9:00-3:00.  We’re seeking to promote the spirit and value of volunteerism, increase the awareness of local human service agencies and schools, and demonstrate what people working together for the community’s good can accomplish.

Participation in the United Way Day of Caring is a great way to team build with employees and will give your office a way to make a significant impact in our community.

  • United Way Day of Caring will strengthen community relationships & corporate visibility.  Studies show that citizens in many communities are looking increasingly to companies to “give something back” to their local communities. Volunteerism is one highly visible means of doing so.
  • Participating in a service day will enhance team spirit and employee morale.  Encouraging teams of employees within the same department to participate in off-site volunteer projects together can create internal cohesion and a shared sense of working to benefit others. In addition, the Day of Caring is an opportunity to work cross-departmentally or with other companies.
  • Company participation in volunteer activities helps to recruit and retain employees.   Studies have shown that company participation in service days or more formal volunteer programs are more likely to have lower turnover rates because employees see community service as an attractive company benefit.
  • Participation in the United Way Day of Caring facilitates a greater understanding of how commitment of time and money makes a difference in our community.

We invite you to “Go All In” by join us in assisting local nonprofit organizations with projects they may otherwise not be able to accomplish. If your business is interested in allowing your employees to volunteer for the Day of Caring, please contact Stephanie at or 517-796-5120 with the number of volunteers in your group, the hours your employees would be available, and any specific project ideas you have, or nonprofit organizations you be interested in working with (we cannot guarantee we’ll be able to arrange the exact project you propose).

Thank you so much for considering how you and your company can participate in this community event.

Click here to see Day of Caring opportunities!


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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