We believe that helping struggling families and individuals with basic needs assistance during times of financial crisis will eventually lead to stability and success.


When you support United Way of Jackson County, you help expand the safety net for families and individuals. United Way provides funds to the Salvation Army Basic Needs Program, which provides food, utility assistance and minor home repair. Dorothy is just one of many who have been able to get by because of this United Way funded program.

Dorothy had hip surgery. She spent last winter at a nursing facility recovering and doing physical therapy. Her husband passed away several years ago, and her family is spread out across several states. It was early spring when she returned home alone. The joy of finally being comfortable in her own home was soon replace with dread and despair. While she was gone, the cold weather cause her pipes to burst. Who knows how long the water was running in her basement? The cost of the water usage and necessary repairs were very high. She was referred to the basic needs program, where they were able to assist with some of the repairs and pay her water bill so she could re-establish water service. It’s hard living on a fixed income. With help from this United Way funded program, Dorothy was able to stay in her home and maintain her stability.

Last year, 8,089 applicants received five days-worth of food assistance and 3,995 applicants were able to avoid a shutoff or had service restoration with their utilities. By supporting United Way of Jackson County, you help to expand the safety need for struggling families and individuals so they can weather a crisis and remain on their pathway to stability and success.

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November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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