IMPACT! Driving to Financial Stability

For many people in poverty or Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed (ALICE), financial stability starts with learning how to manage what income they’re able to generate. Lily Missions Center provides financial management training through the support provide by United Way. Here’s a heartwarming success story:

A family came Lily Mission Center’s drive-thru food pantry who reportedly lived in their car. After a brief conversation, they committed to coming to the financial literacy classes. The results were swift: after attending the first two classes, the mom secured a job and was able to save money to put down the first month’s rent and a deposit for an apartment. Not only did they complete the first set of financial literacy classes, they came back for an additional six weeks to learn how to save money and build financial security.

From no shelter to a financially stable future—that’s the power of partnership and investment in our community. We value your support for the work of United Way.


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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