JobSTAR: Success Through Coaching

JobSTAR Success Coaches are Family Independence Specialists with the Department of Health and Human Services. It is important for employees to know that their Success Coach can assist with MDHHS m (2)

JobSTAR (Support Talent and Retention) is a resource for employers to help their employees overcome obstacles that may impede their ability to work. A Success Coach confidentially works with employees of participating businesses.

Workers are connected to services and support programs to help them overcome challenges that affect their job attendance and performance. A Success Coach for employees is funded by sponsoring partners and participating businesses.

The results include a stronger workforce, financially stable families, higher productivity and a more vibrant economy. Here are two of the many examples of how JobSTAR’s Success Coaches have made an impact within Jackson County.

A person met with their Success Coach face to face at their worksite. They explained that their serpentine belt snapped while driving on the highway the day before, and that their car was in the shop for repairs and would be fixed that day.

With an unexpected expense that would cost around $300, it was going to make it tough to buy food and gas in the upcoming weeks. Since they live in Lansing, it was evident that gas cards would be an immediately beneficial assistance.

They and their coach completed all the required intake paperwork to establish eligibility for Barrier Removal and Employment Success (BRES) assistance through Michigan Works and were provided three gas cards that were worth $25.00 each. There was a sense of relief for the help. Because of the unexpected expense, they still wanted to stay in contact in case other financial obligations were difficult in the future.

A human resources worker in the JobSTAR network contacted their Success Coach on behalf of an employee. Due to the nature of distress the employee was experiencing, the coach went to the worksite immediately to meet one on one with that employee.

Upon arrival, the employee was visibly shaken and explained that they were unable to return to their residence due to the level of emotional stress they were under while at home. While explaining their current living situation, they said they were in the midst of trying to move out to stable and safe housing. Their largest challenge was that their income was being handled by someone in their home who didn’t allow them to have access to it. All paychecks were direct deposited into a joint bank account, with the joint owner using the money without their permission. Once the Success Coach fully understood the situation, they contacted the bank together on speaker phone and gathered the account information.

The Success Coach then worked with the company’s HR specialist to stop the direct deposit of funds into the account and set it up for the employee to pick up paper checks that could be deposited into any account of their choosing. The employee expressed a sense of relief from their current situation, and was provided with the employer’s Employee Assistance Program information. They plan to contact a counselor to help them through their recent experience.

You can learn more on JobSTAR by visiting


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