The Kalamazoo County Continuum of Care is coordinating a partnership of community service agencies offering support to help individuals at the Ampersee encampment transition to safer, more stable shelter.
The encampment has grown significantly in recent months, with many inhabitants coming from outside of Kalamazoo. Law enforcement and support workers report increased incidences of violence, drug sales and use, human trafficking, forced prostitution, and significant public health risks for those living there and for the surrounding community. Further, the encampment is located in a brownfield site, which by definition is unsafe and unhealthy for human habitation due to hazardous substances in the ground. The Continuum of Care partners agree the encampment is not a safe, healthy or viable long-term option.
For these reasons, the City of Kalamazoo announced on Sept. 15 that it would close the encampment on Wednesday, Sept. 29. The Continuum of Care partners, which have been providing casework and other support daily since the encampment formed last spring—and prior to that at the Mills Street encampment—immediately launched an “exit strategy” to help inhabitants find safer options:
- Outreach coordination, connecting people to available support services. Partners include Integrated Services of Kalamazoo (one-on-one outreach), Housing Resources Inc. (coordinated entry assistance, including available shelter, rapid rehousing and rental aid), HOPE Thru Navigation (one-on-one outreach), and Urban Alliance (one-on-one outreach).
- Shelter services, which currently has the capacity to serve all who are at the encampment. Offering shelter space is Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries (men, women and families), Oakland Houses (shelter with addiction services), Open Doors (men), Next Door (women), YWCA (domestic violence shelter), The Ark for Youth (youth), Keystone (veterans), and Ministry With Community (day shelter and support services).
- Addiction services, helping those struggling with substance use disorder. Providing these supports are Integrated Services of Kalamazoo, Recovery Institute and Southwest Behavioral Health.
- Food assistance, making sure individuals have enough to eat. Partners include Ministry With Community (two meals daily), Kalamazoo Gospel Ministries (two meals daily) and Kalamazoo Loaves & Fishes (onsite delivery of food and water, and grocery pantry).
This work will continue even after the encampment closes. We recognize that the need for safe, stable and affordable housing is much bigger than an encampment. We also recognize, and are actively addressing individually and personally, the trauma experienced by unhoused people.
The CoC continues to advocate for policies that reduce homelessness, seek to end homelessness through long-term solutions, and increase the health and safety for those experiencing homelessness. We invite community members to join in this work. Reach out to the partner agencies noted above, and they can connect you to specific ways you can support these efforts.
Working together to address the chronic, complex issue of homelessness is key to finding lasting solutions that equip people to thrive.