Why United Way Matters

Editor’s note: This is the first in a series called Behind the Scenes, designed to give readers an inside look at what we do, and why.

Chris Sargent
Chris Sargent,
President & CEO

Giving to a good cause is easier than ever these days–click on a GoFundMe link, buy something through Amazon Smile, round up your next fast-food purchase.

Those things aren’t necessarily bad. But whenever we give, however we do so, we should ask a question: What is my gift doing for the greater good?

Over the years we’ve surveyed both donors and non-donors about their feelings toward United Way. The results are always the same: People trust us a lot, but they aren’t sure what we do.

I find that puzzling—and a bit unsettling. I’m grateful that people trust United Way. But if they aren’t certain how their support is making a meaningful, measurable difference, how long can that trust last?

As I said, charitable giving is easy, but solving our community’s toughest issues is very, very hard. That’s why accountability is one of our core values. People need to know that when they engage with United Way—as a donor, as a volunteer, as a voice for those who struggle—something real happens.

That’s why we do an impact report every year. That’s why we update our community all the time, in small groups and large, through every communication tool available, to describe the many ways change is happening. And that’s why I’m pleased to kick off this new series, which we call Behind The Scenes.

Through blogs, videos, graphics, testimonials and much more, Behind The Scenes will reintroduce you to United Way. You’ll learn how we’re partnering with every segment of our community to tackle the big issues. You’ll see the passion of our team, the human impact of our work, and how we’re adapting to do even more in the future.

Best of all, you’ll discover why United Way matters. Why we’re uniquely suited to leading shared efforts that drive impact. How we’re engaging diverse people, ideas and resources in an equitable way.

Your trust means everything. We’re eager to show you how we earn that trust—and how your partnership and support are transforming lives.

Chris Sargent is President & CEO of United Way of the Battle Creek and Kalamazoo Region.

See all the stories in this series.


November 29, 2012
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November 27, 2012
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